ACE Women's Network: Pennsylvania

PA ACE is Back!

We invite you to our membership kick off events to learn more about joining the nation’s largest higher education organization. Sign up via the calendar to the right.

September 30, 2016 | Region 1: PA ACE Networking & Membership Breakfast
October 20, 2016 | Region 4: PA ACE Networking & Membership Breakfast
January 27, 2017 | Region 2: PA ACE Networking & Membership Breakfast

April 10, 2017 | Region 3: PA ACE Networking & Membership Breakfast

Pennsylvania ACE Women’s Network (PA ACE) is at the forefront of the major issues affecting postsecondary education. Our mission and purpose is to create a professional network that identifies and supports opportunities for the advancement and leadership development of women who hold various leadership positions within institutions of higher education in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.